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Cuba Absolutely Magazine. Havana Guide. Events & Festivals. Arts & culture, Travel & tourism information
Official website of Cuba Absolutely Magazine, the best magazine about Cuba. Complete Information about events, art and culture, travel and more.
[Clicks: 34831]
Blog on the Cuban way - A lo Cubano
Blog of the journalist and graphic designer Jorge García Sosa. Find information on Santa Clara province events, and interesting facts, opinions, historical and cultural facts. Read about customs and traditions of this province that lies at the heart of Cuba.
[Clicks: 10773]
Cubarte - El Portal de la Cultura Cubana
Cubarte the Portal of Cuban Culture. A website of Art and Literature Expressions in Cuba.
[Clicks: 8627]
Revista Mas Cuba
Magazine about Cuba, Tourism, Sports, Food, Recipes, Cuban personalities, News about Cuba
[Clicks: 6820]
Caimán Barbudo.
Culture Magazine of the Cuban Youth, digital version. Since May 1966, reflex cultural tendence, critics, comments, and much more. Promotes young intellectuality.
[Clicks: 6196]
Zunzún. Cuba Kids website
Kids oriented Magazine. Containing diverse literature such as history, tale, fable, fun and painting.
[Clicks: 5449]
Casa Editora Abril.
Abril publishes magazines for Cuban kids, teenagers and youth. Among them are Zunzun, Pionero, Somos Jovenes, Juventud Tecnica, Alma Mater and El Caiman Barbudo magazines.
[Clicks: 5382]
Cuba Headlines. Cuba Daily News.
To provide fresh information about the activities, and life of Cuba. With articles featuring arts, culture, personalities, interesting places, tourist destinations and more.
[Clicks: 5102]
Cultural Web sites directory.
The Cultural Directory of Cuba offers access to the sites of our cultural institutions, the artists and intellectuals, the groupings and artistic companies, the cultural events and the cultural publications, with an excellent quality in the thematic of the Scenic Arts, Visual Arts, Music, Literature, Audio-visual, Cinema, Patrimony, Communitarian Culture and Artistic Education.
[Clicks: 5093]
CubaPLUS: Canadian magazine about Cuba - Cuba PLUS
CubaPlus is a Magazine about Cuba. In this site there are several references around principal fairs and events organized in Cuba. Overview about the most important personalities in the Culture and Art in Cuba, pictures of the cities, beach, cayos, and other touristic attractions.
[Clicks: 4997]
IBBY International Reading Congress 2011 Havana.
Official website of Reading Congress 2011: to read on the XXI. Find event details, registration, etc. You must know the forces of the world to put them to work. Reading, reflective, and emotional; comprehensive communication relationships of being-Universe. These are some of the themes covered in this event.
[Clicks: 4846]
Árbol Invertido.
Magazine of monthly publication that gathers together useful materials for any writer or reader that wishes to feed the fire on the poetry. Supported by the Provincial Center of Libro and Literature, and to the Vestibule Web "Ornofay", both of Ciego de avila, Cuba.
[Clicks: 4720]
"Mar Desnudo" a magazine on Arts and Literature
Website of "Mar Desnudo" a magazine on Arts and Literature sponsored by the provincial Book Center (Centro Provincial del Libro) and the Matanzas’ “Direccion Provincial de Cultura”. This is a bimonthly edited magazine and on this website, you can find references to all previous editions.
[Clicks: 4680]
Cultural magazine of Ciego de Avila that reflects different manifestations from Literature causing a near encounter with the creators, intellectual outstanding and the institutions that integrate the system of the culture in our country.
[Clicks: 4646]
Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba.
Sitio oficial de la UNEAC, Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba. Referencias a las asociaciones provinciales y comités Provinciales. Eventos, Revistas, Boletines, Sellos Editoriales, Trabajo Cultural Comunitarios, Noticias, Libros gratis y muchas otras secciones.
[Clicks: 4156]
Palabra Nueva.
Magazine of the Archidiocese. of Havana with varied social, religious and cultural subjects. Access to previous publications.
[Clicks: 3728]
La Jiribilla
Online Magazine of the Cuban culture.
[Clicks: 3670]
Temas Magazine. Culture, ideology and society.
Quarterly Cuban publication on theory and analysis of culture, ideology, and contemporary society problems.
[Clicks: 3624]
Opus Habana
Old Havana Magazine. News and details about the Havana Old City. Topics about Architecture, History, Traditions, Culture, etc.
[Clicks: 3608]
Arique, Cuban Poetry Magazine
Arique Magazine Website, where you can find a very complete index of Matanza's province poets. Moreover the site includes Esays and refrerences to other poets and bards, Cubans and worldwide. You can find all themes of printed edition, plus information on other poetry publications.
[Clicks: 3545]
News of Pablo de la Torriente Brau Center .
Activities program of the Pablo of the Torriente Brau Cultural Center and the last published news. Calls to the events.
[Clicks: 3493]
Entre Telones.
Bulletin of the National Council of the Scenic Arts. All about Cuban theater actuality. Plays on billboard. Actors reviews.
[Clicks: 3346]
Center of Contemporary Art Wifredo Lam
Website of the Wilfredo Lam center of contemporary Art
[Clicks: 3271]
Cuba Underground.
Alternative space of artistic expression for Cuban creators. News, interviews and unloadings of mp3.
[Clicks: 3244]
Bisiesto Cinematografico.
Bulletin of Muestra de Jovenes Producers to inform to all the public interested on the activities that are developed during the Muestra, critics and commentaries.
[Clicks: 3229]
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