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Cuban Personalities
There are currently 65 items.
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Isla de la Juventud
Fundación Nicolás Guilén.
Official Website of Nicolas Guillen Foundation.
[Clicks: 8323]
Fidel Castro Ruz, an exceptional man
Website dedicated to Fidel castro Ruz, precursory of the Cuban Revolution. A tribute of the Ernesto Che Guevara Center and Art & Web Dig to an exceptional man
[Clicks: 6997]
Casa Natal José Martí Museum
Museum Official website. Where most of José Martí belongs are treasure. Located at Old Havana, it was declare National Monument on 1949. Learn about history and the collections shown.
[Clicks: 6649]
Sur caribe, from Santiago de Cuba and to the World.
News about the band and nexts concerts.
[Clicks: 6302]
Museum House of José Lezama Lima.
José Lezama Lima Museum. A tribute to the Cuban famous writer.
[Clicks: 6235]
Nicolás Guillén.
Vida del Poeta Nacional, recuento de su obra poética, videoteca y mucho más en esta Biblioteca de Autor que dedica la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes a Nicolás Guillén.
[Clicks: 6184]
Jura Decir la Verdad!!
Web site of the popular program of the Cuban Television "Jura Decir la Verdad?"
[Clicks: 6163]
Che Guevara Lives.
Che Guevara documents, pictures, sound and video files, downloadables, and products, as well as the popular Che-Lives radio and the Che-Lives eZine.
[Clicks: 5951]
Cuban Baseball
A Tribute to Cuban Baseball. A great number of Cubans played on baseball Teams in the Professional, Semi-pro, Amateur and Sugar Mill Leagues in Cuba...
[Clicks: 5871]
José Martí.
Presencia de el Apóstol en la cultura cubana. Estudio de su obra, opiniones de conocedores de su vida y mucho más.
[Clicks: 5840]
Che Guevara.
Website done by Centro de Estudios Che Guevara. Focused on divulging objetively and faithfully the life, thought and work of Ernesto Che Guevara. Based on the most recent studies carried out by researchers and collaborators, we had created the most complete database on Che Guevara.
[Clicks: 5835]
Carilda Oliver Labra. National Prize of Literature.
Site dedicated to the National Prize of Literature 1997, Carilda Oliver Labra. Poems, a photos gallery and biography.
[Clicks: 5827]
Official Site of Jorge Perugorría
Official Site of Jorge Perugorría. Biography, Awards, Exhibitions, News and much more...
[Clicks: 5559]
Fabio Di Celmo
Site dedicated to the memory of Fabio Di Celmo, moments of his life.
[Clicks: 5464]
Angel Ramirez. Contemporary Cuban Artist
Contemporary Cuban Art. engraving, sculpture and paintings by Angel Ramirez. Updated biography and critic texts. Dando y Dando Project´s works gallery
[Clicks: 5297]
Carlos Varela - Official website
Official website of Carlos Varela. Songs, news and concerts a gallery of images and videos.
[Clicks: 5239]
Carlos Ruiz de la Tejera.
Site of the popular Cuban artist Carlos Ruiz de la Tejera. Summary of hes trajectory and the repertoire.
[Clicks: 5238]
Barbarito Diez. The Prince of Danzon.
Official Website on the life and work of Barbarito Diez Junco, also known as “The Golden Voice of Danzon”. Find on this website details of his life, songs, interviews and many other topics related to this prestigious representative of the Cuban culture.
[Clicks: 5004]
Home Museum Antonio Maceo.
At the Urban Historic Center of Santiago de Cuba is located the Museum of Mayor General Antonio Maceo.
[Clicks: 4993]
Nicolás Guillén.
Nicolas Guillén, poems and biography of this great cuban poet
[Clicks: 4686]
Félix Pita Rodríguez. National Prize of Literature.
Site dedicated to the National Prize of Literature 1985 Felix Pita Rodriguez, outstanding cuban poet. Bibliography, books, photographies, critics, fragments of hes work.
[Clicks: 4644]
Pedro Pablo Oliva Official Website
In this site you can learn about the Pinar del Rio Artist, Cartoonist and Sculptor Pedro Pablo Oliva Rodriguez. Details of his artistic life, his Dossier, a gallery with his most important works, references and news updates of his most recent exhibitions.
[Clicks: 4640]
Nancy Morejon. National Prize of Literature.
Site dedicated to Nancy Morejón, one of the most excellent voices of the present Cuban poetry. National prize of Literature in 2001. Gallery of interesting photos, poems and biography. Site developed by Cuba Literaria.
[Clicks: 4521]
Francisco de Oraá. National Prize of Literature.
Site dedicated to Francisco de Oraá, National Prize of Literature 1993. Biography, gallery of photos and valuations of the critic to his work.
[Clicks: 4451]
Juan Moreira.
Site of the Painter Juan Moreira. Studies, collections, prizes, exhibitions, and gallery of hes works.
[Clicks: 4188]
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