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Cuba Absolutely Magazine. Havana Guide. Events & Festivals. Arts & culture, Travel & tourism information
Official website of Cuba Absolutely Magazine, the best magazine about Cuba. Complete Information about events, art and culture, travel and more.
[Clicks: 32858]
Servicios Global S.A. Travel Agency to Cuba
Tourist journeys to Cuba, for groups and individuals. Rent a Car Cuba. Lodging in Cuba hotels in all tourist poles: Havana, Varadero, Trinidad, Cayo Largo,Cayo coco, Guardalavaca, etc. Flexi drive, Vip services, international and domestic airflight tickets.
[Clicks: 13609]
Havana Times
Havana Times is presents open-minded writing from Cuba. It covers cultural, sports events and issues in the news.
[Clicks: 8262]
New Latinamerican Film Festival.
Website of the new Latinamerican Film Festival. Information about previous film festivals in Cuba and details on the next one.
[Clicks: 7634]
Congresses, Events, conferences, festivals and meetings in Cuba
Congresses, Events, conferences, meetings and festivals in Cuba. Organized by theme. Online Accreditation and logding in cuba hotels.
[Clicks: 6899]
Cuba to You
Tourist Portal of Cuba. General Info about Cuba.
[Clicks: 6798]
Third National Convention of the Cuban Society of Bio-Energetic and Naturalist Medicine.
Bionat 2006, august 16th to 20th. Towards a Cuban perspective of the Traditional and Natural Medicine- Bio energetic and Naturalist. Medicine in Primary Assistance and Prevention in Conditions of Disasters. Call to the convention.
[Clicks: 6577]
Aula Virtual de Salud.Classroom of the Virtual University of Health.
Classroom of the Virtual University of Health. Possibilities of study and the last news.
[Clicks: 6381]
FITCUBA, International Meeting of Tourism
FitCuba official website, the most important event in the Cuban tourist industry.
[Clicks: 5972]
Romerías de Mayo.
Site dedicated to inform about the activities carried in Holguin during Romerias de Mayo. Popular celebration of great tradition in the region and national prestige.
[Clicks: 5857]
Encuentro Internacional de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis Buco-Máxilo-Facial.
Convocatoria al evento dirigido a especialistas en: oftalmología, estomatología, prótesis, cirujanos máxilo-faciales, cirujanos plásticos, neurocirujanos, psicólogos y laboratoristas dentales.
[Clicks: 5793]
HAVANA-REDOX International Event
Hosted by the Pharmacy & Food Sciences College of Havana's University and the Cuban Society of Pharmacology. All researchers in the field of free radical / antioxidants in Medicine and Biology are cordially invited to participate in HAVANA-REDOX 2009 . This international meeting will be held in Ciudad de La Habana .
[Clicks: 5766]
Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica
Convocatoria para la Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica. Donde se debaten temas de actualidad en esa especialidad, teniendo en cuenta que las enfermedades infecciosas son el principal azote de los niños en cualquier latitud.
[Clicks: 5754]
International Fair CUBADISCO.
Antecedents of the event in Cuba, memories of previous editions and all related news.
[Clicks: 5734]
The H Magazine - Cuba Travel Guide
The H Magazine. Cuba Magazine + Cuba guide + Cuban music. Cuba travel guide. Revista Cubana de La Habana. The H is Cuba´s first bilingual lifestyle magazine of Havana. Cuba guide. Promoting the best of entertaiment, arts, music, fashion, food and night life. Uncover Havana - read The H
[Clicks: 5707]
Seminario Internacional de APS.
IX International Seminaryof Primary Attention of Health, celebrated from 6 to 10 of March, 2006 in the Palace of Conventions. Program of the seminary and works displayed.
[Clicks: 5646]
Iinternational Fair on the metalurgical, metalmechanic and recycling industries. General program of the event, registration and more.
[Clicks: 5598]
Feria Internacional del Libro de la Habana.
Noticias de todo lo acontecido día a día en la Feria. Acceso a las memorias de las ferias de años anteriores.
[Clicks: 5347]
VI International Congress on Health Informatics.
The Cuban Ministry of Informatics and Communication and the Ministry of Public health of the Republic of Cuba are pleased to invite you participating in VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HEALTH INFORMATICS, on February, 2007.
[Clicks: 5230]
CubaPLUS: Canadian magazine about Cuba - Cuba PLUS
CubaPlus is a Magazine about Cuba. In this site there are several references around principal fairs and events organized in Cuba. Overview about the most important personalities in the Culture and Art in Cuba, pictures of the cities, beach, cayos, and other touristic attractions.
[Clicks: 4921]
The Cuban Society of Pharmacology invites you to participate at its First International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Natural Products and the First International Symposium of the Latin-American and the Caribbean Bulletin of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (BLACPMA) FAPRONATURA 2006, which will take place on November 20-24, 2006, at Varadero.
[Clicks: 4880]
IBBY International Reading Congress 2011 Havana.
Official website of Reading Congress 2011: to read on the XXI. Find event details, registration, etc. You must know the forces of the world to put them to work. Reading, reflective, and emotional; comprehensive communication relationships of being-Universe. These are some of the themes covered in this event.
[Clicks: 4798]
Chemistry Havana
This is the Cuban Chemical Society Website to promote the Iberoamerican Congress on Chemistry, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering. Informations on event Topics, General and Scientific Programs, Organizer Committe, Speakers, etc. It is possible to register and hotel booking for the event.
[Clicks: 4783]
First Digital Speleological Photography Contest.
This site presents the results of the first Speleological Photo Contest. Find event’s details, the awards, photos and more informations.
[Clicks: 4728]
Eugenio Pérez Almarales Official Website.
Journalist and cuban university professor, Eugenio Pérez Almarales, Personal website. Free e-books Download, information on several Courses, and Conferences related to Comunication themes. Information to students. Cuban Universities details and much more.
[Clicks: 4669]
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