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Cuba Health
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Infomed. Cuban Health Portal
Infomed, Cuban Health Telematics Network. Offers updated medical information from Cuba and Worldwide. This portal brings together all Cuban health websites achieving a wide network embracing all health realted specialties, as research, teaching and medical practices among other themes.
[Clicks: 80673]
SciELO Cuba.
Scientific electronic library online. SciELO Cuba is the electronic virtual library of Cuban medical journals. SciELO provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject index or a search by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject.
[Clicks: 12620]
Havana Estomatology Faculty.
Los contenidos que se encuentran en este sitio web, están dirigidos fundamentalmente a profesionales de la estomatología. Historia, docencia,trabajo, investigaciones y publicaciones del centro.
[Clicks: 7120]
Cuba to You
Tourist Portal of Cuba. General Info about Cuba.
[Clicks: 6797]
medical Consultations.
Recognized cuban specialistic talk about a great number of diseases: symptoms, prevention, control, treatments and advice.
[Clicks: 6646]
Third National Convention of the Cuban Society of Bio-Energetic and Naturalist Medicine.
Bionat 2006, august 16th to 20th. Towards a Cuban perspective of the Traditional and Natural Medicine- Bio energetic and Naturalist. Medicine in Primary Assistance and Prevention in Conditions of Disasters. Call to the convention.
[Clicks: 6577]
Cuban company that develops, produces and commercializes medical equipment. Description and requirements of the equipment that produces.
[Clicks: 6488]
Cedisap. La Informática al servicio de la salud.
Computer science solutions for health sector. Development Management Systems for hospitals.
[Clicks: 6403]
Aula Virtual de Salud.Classroom of the Virtual University of Health.
Classroom of the Virtual University of Health. Possibilities of study and the last news.
[Clicks: 6381]
Centro Nacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria.
Sitio dedicado a la Retinitis Pigmentosa en Cuba. Perteneciente al Centro Internacional Oftalmológico "Camilo Cienfuegos". Incluye temas relacionados con el Programa Nacional de la Retinitis Pigmentosa en Cuba y el Manejo del Paciente a través de la Técnica Quirúrgica.
[Clicks: 6222]
Cybernetics Center assigned to Medicine (CECAM).
Research, Services and Educational issues at this important institution linked with Medicine in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6161]
Cuban Medical Collaboration.
Blog about cuban doctors coworkers in countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia.
[Clicks: 6149]
Julio Trigo Medical Sciences Faculty
Youngest of the the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana faculties, located in Arrollo Naranjo municipality.
[Clicks: 6111]
Universidad Virtual de Salud de Cuba
Virtual academic institution, clinical interconsultations and discussions with aims educational. Active and participativos methods of learning are used and a tutorial organization of support.
[Clicks: 6102]
Faculty of Medical Sciences¨"Commander Manuel Fajardo"
This faculty pertaining to the University of Havana is one of the older Medical Schools of Cuba. General information of performance of the center.
[Clicks: 6059]
Central Clinic Cira García.
Central Clinic Cira Garcia's Site. Within this pages you will find all the information about the services that the Clinic offers, organized by different medical specialities, that goes from preventive examination until the personalized treatment to any affection or pathology newly detected or in existence.
[Clicks: 5872]
Cuba medical power.
Blog of the news about medicine and public health in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5862]
Encuentro Internacional de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis Buco-Máxilo-Facial.
Convocatoria al evento dirigido a especialistas en: oftalmología, estomatología, prótesis, cirujanos máxilo-faciales, cirujanos plásticos, neurocirujanos, psicólogos y laboratoristas dentales.
[Clicks: 5793]
HAVANA-REDOX International Event
Hosted by the Pharmacy & Food Sciences College of Havana's University and the Cuban Society of Pharmacology. All researchers in the field of free radical / antioxidants in Medicine and Biology are cordially invited to participate in HAVANA-REDOX 2009 . This international meeting will be held in Ciudad de La Habana .
[Clicks: 5766]
Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica
Convocatoria para la Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica. Donde se debaten temas de actualidad en esa especialidad, teniendo en cuenta que las enfermedades infecciosas son el principal azote de los niños en cualquier latitud.
[Clicks: 5754]
Pediatrics Hospital William Soler
Pediatrics Hospital " William Soler" website. It's a hospital center for kids and teenagers care. Nacional Reference Institution, on serveral pediatrics specialities. Awarded with "Amigo del niño y la Madre" (Child and Mother Friend ).
[Clicks: 5696]
Revista de Humanidades Médicas.
The magazine Medical Humanities is the scientific publication of the Center for the Development of Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health CENDECSA.
[Clicks: 5518]
Boletín Novedades.
Monthly publication of the National Medical Library of Cuba, with information of the last acquisitions received, published by the area of Technical Services. Its electronic version is distributed to the Network of Libraries of the National System of Information of Medical Sciences.
[Clicks: 5307]
Latin American Shool of Medical Sciences
Official website of the Latin American Shool of Medical Sciences in Cuba
[Clicks: 5288]
VI International Congress on Health Informatics.
The Cuban Ministry of Informatics and Communication and the Ministry of Public health of the Republic of Cuba are pleased to invite you participating in VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HEALTH INFORMATICS, on February, 2007.
[Clicks: 5230]
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