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Computer science
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Cuban Telecommunications Enterprise website
[Clicks: 90575]
"Centro Cubano de Información de Red" - CUBA-NIC, website. .cu Domain Name Registration services. Ancilliary center of CITMATEL, of Science, Technology and Enviroment Ministry of Cuba (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio ambiente de Cuba). Listing of registered and in process .cu domain.
[Clicks: 14128]
Hosting & Web Design in offer hosting, free e-mails and web design services in Cuba.
[Clicks: 9217]
Group of free technologies users, Cuba
News, reviews, articles, events reviews, forum, wiki, all related to free software, GNU, and Linux in particular. Help and support for users and programmers. Virtual library, software downloads, repositories, guides and more.
[Clicks: 8718]
Caonao, Servicios Telemáticos
Information Technologies and Telematic Services. The first and main internet supplier in Cuba.
[Clicks: 7397]
Cuban Ministry of Computer Science and Communications (MIC)
Governing organism of computer science and the communications in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6540]
Cedisap. La Informática al servicio de la salud.
Computer science solutions for health sector. Development Management Systems for hospitals.
[Clicks: 6458]
GET, Grupo de Electrónica para el Turismo, Cuba
GET: Enterprise dedicated to Web Development. Informatic Services oriented to the sphere of Tourism in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6266]
Cybernetics Center assigned to Medicine (CECAM).
Research, Services and Educational issues at this important institution linked with Medicine in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6227]
Enet, ETECSA's internet
Product commercialization and services of access and use of Internet.
[Clicks: 6044]
Office to the Informatization.
The Office promotes and participates in the development and use of the new technologies of the Information and communications. News, TIC bulletin and links directory.
[Clicks: 5895]
Uxi - e-zine - Free Software and Open Source
UXi is an e-zine, written in Spanish, dedicated to the Free Software and Open Source Movement and to the GNU / Linux Operating System. This e-zine feeds on articles sent by readers of the entire community or from personal emails to the Editors
[Clicks: 5857]
Isla de la Juventud Computers and Electronics Young Club website.
This website has info on Computers and Electronics Young Clubs in La Isla de la Juventud, provincial news, links, and a Photo Gallery. The website also serves as access gate to the institution intranet.
[Clicks: 5619]
Arte Digital.
Call to the International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium. Memories of the past editions.
[Clicks: 5540]
Cienfuegos Computers and Electronics Young Club website.
This website has info on Computers and Electronics Young Clubs in Cienfuegos province, provincial news, links, and a Photo Gallery. The website also serves as access gate to the institution intranet.
[Clicks: 5367]
Rodas XXI. Administrative Economic Integral System.
Interfaz designs developed by CITMATEL.
[Clicks: 5335]
VI International Congress on Health Informatics.
The Cuban Ministry of Informatics and Communication and the Ministry of Public health of the Republic of Cuba are pleased to invite you participating in VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HEALTH INFORMATICS, on February, 2007.
[Clicks: 5293]
Informática Habana.
Informática - International Convention and Fair to be held at Havana’s International Convention Center – CUBA. The Information and Communication Technologies and their Contribution to a Better World.
[Clicks: 5265]
Ciego de Avila, Computers and Electronics Young Club website.
This website has info on Computers and Electronics Young Clubs in Ciego de Avila province, provincial news, links, and a Photo Gallery. The website also serves as access gate to the institution intranet.
[Clicks: 4959]
CITMATEL, a Center of Information Technology.
[Clicks: 3907]
II Jornada Científica Estudiantil Virtual de Ciencias Médicas.
Memorias del evento de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo realizado en el 2001.
[Clicks: 3567]
III Congreso Estudiantil Virtual de Ciencias Médicas.
Congreso Estudiantil en Internet de la Universidad Médica Cubana efectuado en el 2003. Trabajos y conferencias presentadas.
[Clicks: 3559]
Infocomunidad 2007.
It is a pleasure for us to invite you to take part in the First International Forum Informatic and Community on February 13th and 14th, 2007 in the Convention Palace in Havana City, Cuba.
[Clicks: 3498]
Portal of bioinformatics and computational biology. Faculty of Biology. University of Havana.
[Clicks: 3191]
Consultancy Cuban website and Security Information
[Clicks: 3046]
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