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SciELO Cuba.
Scientific electronic library online. SciELO Cuba is the electronic virtual library of Cuban medical journals. SciELO provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject index or a search by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject.
[Clicks: 12676]
Radio Habana Cuba.
Publicación de prensa originada desde Radio Habana Cuba con informaciones y noticias sobre el acontecer de Cuba y del mundo, esta página de prensa cubana, a travez de su sitio web le brinda al usuario un conocimiento sobre diversos temas de actualidad entre los que se encuentran: salud, cultura, fotografía, deporte, medio ambiente, turismo, historia, economía, ciencia, informática, y otros temas en los idiomas, español, francés, ingles, y portugues.
[Clicks: 9342]
Group of free technologies users, Cuba
News, reviews, articles, events reviews, forum, wiki, all related to free software, GNU, and Linux in particular. Help and support for users and programmers. Virtual library, software downloads, repositories, guides and more.
[Clicks: 8718]
Higher Institute of International Relations.
Cuban Institute for International Relationship. Studies and Specialized Events about political, economical and social processes around the world.
[Clicks: 6526]
Cuban Literature Dictionary.
List of Cuban literary authors with a brief review of its life and literary trajectory.
[Clicks: 6131]
Cuba National Library
Website of the National Library of Cuba.
[Clicks: 5956]
Cuba National Archiv
Office that from 1940 has been dedicated to compile, to keep and to conserve the most important cultural and political documentation througt the years.
[Clicks: 5825]
Municipal Library, Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río.
Information of the center, schedules and activities.
[Clicks: 5714]
Boletín Novedades.
Monthly publication of the National Medical Library of Cuba, with information of the last acquisitions received, published by the area of Technical Services. Its electronic version is distributed to the Network of Libraries of the National System of Information of Medical Sciences.
[Clicks: 5358]
Website of Bahía Honda Culture, Pinar del Río, Cuba.
This website shows all Cultural events at Bahia Honda on the Pinar del Rio province. Its history, traditions, cultural institutions, artists, composers, events and community projects and other topics of interest.
[Clicks: 5279]
Provincial Library of Pinar del Río.
Ramón González Coro provincial library of Pinar del Rio Website. Institution opening hours, services and library new additions. Find details about the various activities that take place there, research work, clubs, etc.
[Clicks: 4930]
Provincial Public Library of Holguín.
Site of the Public Library “Alex Urquiola” of Holguín. Services, collections and general information of the institution.
[Clicks: 4876]
Virtual library of Science of the Information for the Health.
Directed to elevate the professional technical development of the sector of the Health in Cuba. Materials of consultation and information services. Open system that can be used by the personnel of the health or any person interested in the Science of the Information.
[Clicks: 4793]
Provincial Library of Santiago de Cuba.
Provincial library Elvira Cape of Santiago de Cuba. News, activities billboard and services that the institution offer.
[Clicks: 4778]
Anacaona. Public library Camilo Cienfuegos.
This site promotes the cultural life in Colombia Municipality, to the South of Las Tunas, Cuba. News, traditions, history and gallery of images of the municipality.
[Clicks: 4631]
National Medical library of Cuba.
Scientific information services - technological to the community of the Health sector. General information of the library, services that render and bulletins that it publishes.
[Clicks: 4601]
CEDITUR, Center of Documentation and Information of Tourism, Camagüey.
Center of Documentation and Information of Tourism (CEDITUR), in Camagüey. Services, products, resources and investigations.
[Clicks: 4486]
Cienfuegos Provincial Library
Provincial library “Roberto García Valdés” of Cienguegos. Cultural options, investigations and services that the institution offer.
[Clicks: 4484]
Gener and Del Monte Library of Matanzas Province
The Matanzas province Public library. The Library "Gener and Del Monte" intends with this website to inform interested parties around the world about their collections, activities, and projects. Become first actors and ensure rich and varied information. Find a library historical review, the services we provide as well as our programs and projects, and the Matancera collection.
[Clicks: 4374]
Municipal Library, La Palma, Pinar del Río.
Municipal Library Ernesto Labrador, La Palma, Pinar del Río. Website of the municipal library of La Palma. Find on this site information services provided by the library. Opening and closing hours, books search and borrow, new books promotions and programming of cultural activities in the library.
[Clicks: 3926]
Biblioteca Virtual. Centenario de Nicolás Guillén.
Publishing plans in commemoration to the centenary of the Nicholas Guillén borned.
[Clicks: 3686]
Virtual library of Health of Cuba.
Website of the National Center for Scientific Information on Hygienic and Epidemiology in Cuba.
[Clicks: 3657]
Google. First Search Engine in Internet.
[Clicks: 3604]
Sciences of the Information magazine
Specially designed for all the Industry of the Information and Knowledge professionals.
[Clicks: 3355]
Viñales, Pinar del Río Municipal library
Find information about Culture in Viñales, its local history, activities taking place in its local library, etc. Learn about its Cultural traditions, traditional meals, personalities, and the various events taking place.
[Clicks: 3332]
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