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Infomed. Cuban Health Portal
Infomed, Cuban Health Telematics Network. Offers updated medical information from Cuba and Worldwide. This portal brings together all Cuban health websites achieving a wide network embracing all health realted specialties, as research, teaching and medical practices among other themes.
[Clicks: 80598]
Universidad de La Habana.
Sitio web de la Universidad de La Habana con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 15283]
Instituto Internacional de Periodismo
International Institute of Journalism "José Martí". To contribute for improvement of Cuban and Latinamerican journalists.
[Clicks: 10067]
Cámara de Comercio de la República de Cuba
Sitio Oficial de la Cámara de Comercio de Cuba. EL Portal del Empresario en Cuba. Información acerca de las Empresas registradas en Cuba. Oportunidades de Negocio. Regulaciones para establecer relaciones Comerciales con empresas cubanas. Enlaces a sitios de interés.
[Clicks: 8489]
Group of free technologies users, Cuba
News, reviews, articles, events reviews, forum, wiki, all related to free software, GNU, and Linux in particular. Help and support for users and programmers. Virtual library, software downloads, repositories, guides and more.
[Clicks: 8489]
Cubarte - El Portal de la Cultura Cubana
Cubarte the Portal of Cuban Culture. A website of Art and Literature Expressions in Cuba.
[Clicks: 8431]
Fundación Nicolás Guilén.
Official Website of Nicolas Guillen Foundation.
[Clicks: 8260]
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Información sobre la vida universitaria, horarios, facultades que la integran, dependencias universitarias y mucha más información de gran utilidad para estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 7485]
Havana Estomatology Faculty.
Los contenidos que se encuentran en este sitio web, están dirigidos fundamentalmente a profesionales de la estomatología. Historia, docencia,trabajo, investigaciones y publicaciones del centro.
[Clicks: 7049]
Universidad de Matanzas.
Universidad de Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Sitio web con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 6947]
Universidad de Cienfuegos.
Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafel Rodríguez". Sitio web con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 6383]
Higher Institute of International Relations.
Cuban Institute for International Relationship. Studies and Specialized Events about political, economical and social processes around the world.
[Clicks: 6374]
Biology Faculty, Havana University.
Very useful Information for professors and students of the Center. Call to the events that in are made as well as all the activities that take place of investigativo and educational character.
[Clicks: 6223]
Ciego de Ávila University.
Informative Website for professors and students. Events and much more
[Clicks: 6202]
Research Center of Ozone in Cuba
Informative website of Research Center of Ozone in Cuba. News about courses, events and new products developed in the Center.
[Clicks: 6152]
Metropolitan Bank
Banco Metropolitano website. The bank's main objective is rendering services to embassies and foreign entities located in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6113]
Julio Trigo Medical Sciences Faculty
Youngest of the the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana faculties, located in Arrollo Naranjo municipality.
[Clicks: 6039]
Faculty of Medical Sciences¨"Commander Manuel Fajardo"
This faculty pertaining to the University of Havana is one of the older Medical Schools of Cuba. General information of performance of the center.
[Clicks: 6006]
Cuba National Library
Website of the National Library of Cuba.
[Clicks: 5874]
Crisol. El Portal de la Cultura Cubana en Granma.
Crisol el portal de la Cultura en Granma, refleja el acontencer cultural de Granma a través de las diferentes manifestaciones del arte y la literatura propiciando un encuentro cercano con los creadores artísticos, destacados intelectuales y las instituciones que integran el sistema de la cultura en nuestra provincia.
[Clicks: 5865]
Azurina. Portal de la Cultura en Cienfuegos.
Cultural portal of Cienfuegos province with a lot of information and links on Art and Culture in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5777]
Central Clinic Cira García.
Central Clinic Cira Garcia's Site. Within this pages you will find all the information about the services that the Clinic offers, organized by different medical specialities, that goes from preventive examination until the personalized treatment to any affection or pathology newly detected or in existence.
[Clicks: 5775]
Office to the Informatization.
The Office promotes and participates in the development and use of the new technologies of the Information and communications. News, TIC bulletin and links directory.
[Clicks: 5769]
Communist Party of Cuba.
History, Organization and links of the web site of Communist Party of Cuba.
[Clicks: 5728]
Sevenh-day Adventist Church of Santa Clara.
Official site of the Sevenh-day Adventist Church of Santa Clara. Subjects for its spiritual benefit and the last news of our local church, in Cuba and the world.
[Clicks: 5620]
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