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There are currently 18 items.
Pinar del Rio
Villa Clara
Sancti Spiritus
Ciego de Avila
Las Tunas
Stgo de Cuba
Isla de la Juventud
Pastors for Peace.
IFCO, Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, pastors for peace.
[Clicks: 5971]
Cuba Education Tours Study Abroad.
Study abroad tours to Cuba for Canadian and US students and teachers. Ethical, green, safe travel for learning and life.
[Clicks: 5503]
National association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba. (ANEC)
No-governmental organization that groups economists, accountants, auditors, doctors in economic sciences, engineer industrialists, computer science engineers and other tie specialists to the economic activity.
[Clicks: 5163]
Federación de Radioaficionados de Cuba.
The FEDERACION DE RADIOAFICIONADOS DE CUBA, FRC, is an Asociation created acording the Cuban Law for agrouping the cuban hamradio operators and the SWLs. It works for the radioamateur hobby development and supports the community in case of natural desasters. The membership to the FRC is voluntary.
[Clicks: 4522]
PNUD. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo. Cuba
UNDP - Cuba website.
[Clicks: 4439]
Studies Center of Information about Defense
Non governmental organization, non lucrative, dedicated to the systematic attention, study, and multilateral approach of the tie world global problems to the Security and National defense of Cuba.
[Clicks: 4046]
National union of the Education, Science and Sport Workers (SNTECD)
Cuban workers of the education and the sport who by their own will wish to enter this organization.
[Clicks: 3856]
Fernando Ortiz Foundation
A website of a non governmental Cuban institution devoted to Fernando Ortiz studies. Also includes "Catauro" - Cuban magazine of anthropology. Biannual publication of Fernando Ortiz Foundation.
[Clicks: 3725]
United Nations in Cuba
To know the joint work made by the diverse programs and projects collaboration.
[Clicks: 3617]
United Nations Asociation in Cuba
It discloses the intentions and principles, the nature, the operation and the activities of the System of the United Nations in Cuba.
[Clicks: 3449]
Brigade Québec-Cuba.
This site wants to be a short presentation of a project. A salidarity group
[Clicks: 3435]
News of Pablo de la Torriente Brau Center .
Activities program of the Pablo of the Torriente Brau Cultural Center and the last published news. Calls to the events.
[Clicks: 3414]
National Union of Jurists. Cuba.
In the UNJC they are grouped at the moment around twelve thousand Cuban jurists associated voluntarily, those that evolve like university, investigating professors, lawyers, judges, public prosecutors, notaries, consultants, advisers and others.
[Clicks: 3345]
Sociedad Cubana de Enfermería (SOCUENF).
Sociedad científica, no gubernamental dependiente del consejo nacional de sociedades científicas del ministerio de salud pública de Cuba, que agrupa al personal de enfermería técnico y universitario, cuyo propósito fundamental es elevar el nivel científico técnico de sus afiliados en función de la salud de la población.
[Clicks: 3124]
Prografica Cuba
This is Prografica website promoting cultural values of Graphic Design in Cuba. Her you can find info on activities, tributes, members, next projects, design gallery and a Prografica bulletin.
[Clicks: 3104]
Office UNESCO Habana, Regional of Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean.
[Clicks: 2859]
Consejo Científico Veterinario de Cuba.
Organización no Gubernamental, constituida como asociación voluntaria que reúne a todos los veterinarios del país y de otras especialidades afines con el propósito de mantener intercambios en el orden científico técnico y social. Trabajo social del centro y noticias relacionadas con la veterinaria.
[Clicks: 2711]
Jose Martí Cultural Society
Cultural subjects and spiritual enrichment.
[Clicks: 2690]
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