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DTC. Cuba Tourist Directory.
Travel information about Cuba: hotels, restaurants, nightlife, pictures, maps, history, news, reports.
[Clicks: 9571]
TV Yurumi. The Matanzas TV broadcasting station.
Website of the Matanzas province TV broadcasting station. You may find local news, a TV guide, Matanzas Legends, Trivia, special News, among other important sections of this website. Also find news on world events as well as articles on Economy, Culture, Sports, recreation, tourism, history, etc.
[Clicks: 8907]
Mi país.
Interesting information on Cuba grouped in different thematic like history, religion, culture, health, education, science, and others.
[Clicks: 8371]
Universidad de Matanzas.
Universidad de Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Sitio web con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 6984]
Editorial Giron, Matanzas, Cuba
Official Organ of the Provincial Communist Party Committee of the Matanzas province. News on Tourism, Matanzas City, Science, Culture, Social events, Economics and Sports. Many themes Columns. Links to local websites and Cuban ones. You can download the newspaper print edition in PDF format.
[Clicks: 6511]
Radio 26.
Actualidad de la provicia Matanzas, de Cuba y del mundo.
[Clicks: 6297]
Carilda Oliver Labra. National Prize of Literature.
Site dedicated to the National Prize of Literature 1997, Carilda Oliver Labra. Poems, a photos gallery and biography.
[Clicks: 5788]
Photos of Matanzas city, attractions, streets and architecture
Matanzas, an active city, a must visit on the way to Varadero Beach. Pictures of city downtown, its old fashion streets, colonial style houses, and more...
[Clicks: 5514]
The Pharmaceutical Museum.
About the first Pharmacy founded in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5476]
Teatro de las Estaciones.
Puppets theater. Artists, repertoire with national and international plays and program. Famous Cuban puppet characters like Pelusín del Monte, Alelé and many others. Gallery
[Clicks: 5398]
Blog, Pictures of Matanzas Province in Cuba
Guide about Matanzas province in Cuba. Information about the principal touristic attractions, the places to visit, what you can to do in Matanzas city, etc.
[Clicks: 5393]
Portal of Matanzas Science.
Portal of the province of Matanzas. Scientific and various information of this region in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5372]
Playa Girón Museum.
Siteof of Playa Girón Museum. History and memories of that important event in the life of the Cuban people.
[Clicks: 5364]
Palma Group – Leather artisanship
Palma Group, founded in 1995 is fully devoted to craftsmanship. On the website, you can find the most important group projects: Decorative ones, Chests, Vases, folders, masks and more. You can acknowledge this artisanship group work through the Photos and videos showcased here.
[Clicks: 5303]
Colón, Matanzas, Art Gallery
This site belongs to the Jose Miguel Gonzalez Art Gallery at Colon on the Matanzas Province. Find information on major exhibitions, events and activities taking place, a summary of events and the history of the center among other info. An Artists Gallery provides information about the work of representatives of Colon Culture.
[Clicks: 5231]
Ecos de Jovellanos.
Site of the municipal culture in the Jovellanos municipality. Matanzas. Cultural institutions of the municipality, the local news. Personalities and publications of the territory.
[Clicks: 4862]
Acuazul Resort.
Acuazul Resort in Varadero beach. Traditional modality and all inclusive. Details about History, Architecture, Famous Guests, Owners and Online Reservation service.
[Clicks: 4783]
"Mar Desnudo" a magazine on Arts and Literature
Website of "Mar Desnudo" a magazine on Arts and Literature sponsored by the provincial Book Center (Centro Provincial del Libro) and the Matanzas’ “Direccion Provincial de Cultura”. This is a bimonthly edited magazine and on this website, you can find references to all previous editions.
[Clicks: 4582]
Jagüey Grande.
Official web site of Jagüey Grande municipality. Matanzas. Institutions of the municipality, cultural life and history, publications and the last news of the locality.
[Clicks: 4560]
Culture at municipality of Perico.
Cultural actuality news from this Matanzas municipality. Cultural programming, local history, local events reviews and lots of municipality information.
[Clicks: 4323]
Gener and Del Monte Library of Matanzas Province
The Matanzas province Public library. The Library "Gener and Del Monte" intends with this website to inform interested parties around the world about their collections, activities, and projects. Become first actors and ensure rich and varied information. Find a library historical review, the services we provide as well as our programs and projects, and the Matancera collection.
[Clicks: 4304]
Here it will be able to find much information about the scenic arts, Literature, visual arts, patrimony and cultural task of the province of Matanzas in Cuba.
[Clicks: 3628]
Arique, Cuban Poetry Magazine
Arique Magazine Website, where you can find a very complete index of Matanza's province poets. Moreover the site includes Esays and refrerences to other poets and bards, Cubans and worldwide. You can find all themes of printed edition, plus information on other poetry publications.
[Clicks: 3488]
Danza Espiral, dance company from Matanzas, Cuba
Matanzas Scenic Arts Provincial Council website. Here you can find information on Danza Espiral dance company workshops, Repertoire, curriculum, reviews and more.
[Clicks: 3169]
Limonarte. Cultura en Limonar.
Site of the culture in Limonar. Matanzas. Cultural occurring of the municipality. Events, traditions and personalities of the municipality.
[Clicks: 3016]
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